But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
Thomas Jefferson
Where do you begin a Friend Page with someone who has such an amazing array of fabulous friends??
Everyone that is lucky enough to be considered a friend in Erin's world knows that she never forgets anyone and will work tirelessly to stay in touch over the course of her entire life.
This page will be a work in progress and will be added to as soon as Erin is in on the project.
And away we go...
Mary Keppler (aka 'Moo'), Erin and Alison at the Arrowhead Yurt in Vail, CO
Alison, Leslie Jones and Erin at aKingswood/Cranbrook Reunion
Alison and Erin with Brian Gargaro, Nat's college roommate at U of M
"The Muthas"
Erin, Carolynn Lund, Leslie Jones, Alison and Mary Keppler
in Vail, CO
College Best Friend, Sorority Sis and fellow Pike Little Sister
Christine Fanizzi aka Mrs. Biddle;
Sigma Chi /Chi Omega Owl Man and bandmate Mike Neal aka Randall Vandal;
and Erin aka Candy Vandal
Erin and Cranny Luffer John Harbeck at their 20th Kingswood/Cranbrook reunion in 1998. They both wore fake teeth, throwing the entire class, alumni, and headmaster for a loop. Every now and then Harbs would floss with a piece of "boat line" and mumble something about being a "vagitarian". Harbeck's teeth were discovered by Meg Meurer's mom some 6 months later stuffed behind a couch cushion.
Fun in the snow with the Stamer Family -- Erin and Molly's wedding anniversaries are one day (and 7 years) apart so a summer get-together happens, too. In this pic are Molly, Jesse and their twins Gus and Jake, and their dog, Bismarck
Jim (Reverend LeRoy) and Judy(licious) Woodhead = THE BEST
Dear friends, Nigel Simpson and Sue Fearn in Verbier, Switzerland
Belinda Robertson Dickson, The Cashmere Queen!!!
Erin with Nigel and Jocelyn Simpson in Verbier, Switzerland
Erin with Farad Azima and Jamie Blandford in Verbier, Switzerland
Erin and Jamie Blandford
Pia and Dale Anderson, friends from both Scottsdale and Verbier, Switzerland
Erin's dear friend, Steve Fossett. Another in the collection of Adopted Fathers and lost to us far too early!!
Reunited with Moe-town "Bam Sista" Foster, Erin's pal from the Virgin Press Office
and the Virgin Global Challenger Around-the-World Balloon Project -
in Crawford, Fife, Scotland - March 2006
More of the Balloonatics - Dave Melton, Dick Rutan, Per Lindstrand with Yellow Lab Dusty I, Kevin Uliassi, Barron Hilton and Steve Fossett at the Flying M Ranch
Astronaut Gene Cernan, Erin and Greg Dillon, Vice Chairman at Hilton at the Reno Air Races
Another dear friend, mentor and former boss and adopted father, Barron Hilton
Great mugs!!
Davis Farmer and his son Benjamin
Reunited with Kingswood Dorm pal Natasha Ford at Union Station, Washington DC, after 33 years - in March 2011
Dancing at Fidel's in Del Mar with the beautiful Margaret Willmoth Jensen,
aka Sister Margaretta
Cranny pal David Mooring aka You Hefty Thang
With ga-ga gorgeous Barbie Bates Seifert - fellow AWA flight attendant
and travel queen - in a monkey forest in Bali, 1991
The caption to this photo: "Are you sure you're practicing safe sex?"
Biker chix - Erin and Annie Robertson rode to Lord Fletcher's and back on the shweatiest day of the summer of 2010 - but as usual it was a laugh and a half!
Kingswood classmate Lisa "Apples" Weimer Lillelund and Erin on the beach at
Lake Michigan - Charlevoix - Summer of 2009
Dear friends Brenda Wissbrod and Steve Maniscalco at their wedding on the Big Island of Hawaii - October 2006. Every year they come visit Erin and John just before Thanksgiving and it is always a blast!
With her Kingswood Gal Pals -- Patty Sue Smith Moss, Sue Ann Harrison Schredder and first dorm roomie Laura Lee Wilner "There's A Lion in the Baftub" Craig
Erin and Prisca Marvin, with Uncle Frank Marvin in the background
Mom and Cousin Chris Crowley
Tim Crowley
Chris Crowley and Tudor Farmer
Dear family friend and minister, Duncan Littlefair
Working her "Eleanor Roosevelt" false teeth in Del Mar
with Reverend LeRoy aka Jim Woodhead
Greels and Er -Audibly Tan - aka Tangerine Dreams....circa 1977
we may be pale and pasty today but we were George Hamilton then, baby!
Erin's friend Saskia taking a summer twirl in their boat "The Salad Shooter"
Beach Bunnies -- Erin and Kiki Fry at Wind 'n Sea Beach in La Jolla
With a few of her Kingswood/Cranbrook friends 'fountain hopping' at their 30th reunion.
When John Harbeck introduced his darling fiancee Beth to the Kingswood girls, we all adopted her as one of our own -- here they are at their wedding.
It all started at America West Airlines with Leslie "Mammy" McCarthy Miller and she is still one of the funniest women Erin has the pleasure to know!
Although hard to see, Erin will know immediately that in this picture she is next to one of her dearest friends, Peter Gould, skiing with friends from her America West days in Steamboat Springs. Peter was one amazing person and he left us way too early.
Erin and her 'Brutha from Anutha Mutha' Bill Muir
Erin and the unflappable, unstoppable, unsinkable Molly Lynch Stamer, out for Er and John's wedding weekend in Wolfeboro, NH.
'Danimal', 'HornDog', 'Danaconda', 'Reg', aka Daniel David Horning seen here with Paul Dionne
KSC Roommate and life long friend Carolynn Greeley Lund, seen here with Mary Blossom at Castle Park, MI
Dear Kingswood/Cranbrook friends:
John Reebel, Leslie Jones, Andy Craig and Bruce Aikens
Dyan Getz, Julie Vogel and Valerie Windle
Jule's sister and Erin's former roommate, Cammie Cutter, here with John and daughter Maddie at a Lacrosse game
Cousins Katherine and Dusty Slover
Dear friend Kevin Stass's son,'The Drew' aka Andrew, who traveled over from England for Erin and John's wedding
Erin with Gram and Gramp's neighbor, Sadie Thayer
Erin and Peggy Wagstaff
Mary Engen with Erin and Denise Daniels, both considered Mary's Adopted Daughters
Erin with Lois and Rolph Carey at their home in Wolfeboro.
Erin's Mom and Dad met at their wedding in June of 1953!!
Jule, 'Flash' aka Linda Daab and 'Moo' aka Mary Keppler at Alison's rehearsal dinner.
Erin at Alison's wedding with Dale Anderson and Gwen Schran
Erin's college roommate and dear friend, Christine Fannizzi
Dexter Filkins, Erin's friend from the University of Florida, played in a band with Erin in college, "Dex Scandal and the Vandals" along with Mike Neal. Erin wrote all the lyrics and was key on vocals and keyboard. Dexter is now an award winning journalist.
Thanks to Mike Neal (aka Randall Vandal) for providing this sole pic of their hit band, Dexter Scandal and the Vandals performing at the Sigma Chi house....he says:
This isn't a very good picture, but its the only one I could find of Dex Scandal and the Vandals. That's me with the microphone in the pink jumpsuit (I don't remember that I sang, but maybe I was introducing the song or something). Note that Erin is at the piano dressed in a tux, and Dex has his green nurse's smock on. His bongos are on his lap out of view.
Dexter embedded in Afghanistan, a long way from their gig as the Scandals.
Dear friend from University of Florida, Skip D'Amico
With Buzz Aldrin in front of the Orbiter at The Air and Space Museum, along with fellow Ballonatixtress Shelly Melton (far left) and John
Erin and Valerie Wendell
Erin with the first and last men on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan
Liesl Clark, her husband Peter Athans and their son Finn. Peter is known as Mr. Mt. Everest and has climbed that mountain several times.
Karim and Caroline Gangi
John and Janet Day
Gwendolyn Schran, the original Peanut Lady
Erin and Geneva Sorum at Reno Air Races
The Woody between two Crannies -
Erin with Bill McCaffery and Matt Riley at their 30th reunion
Erin and Miki Steffes
Erin with Kevin Stass and his sons,
Andrew aka The Drew -- and David aka Dave the Rave
Standing up for her dear friend, Leslie Miller
At Alison's wedding with Flash and Lori Van Trigt
"Adopted Mom and Dad" Mary and Don Engen - the best! And dearly missed!
Will Whitehorn, the man in command at Virgin
Hot Kingswood Mamas - Beth Clark DiCessena and Susan Aikens "Colada" Post
Erin and one of the best, John Fearn in Verbier
Erin with Scott Miller, Leslie's husband
Erin and long time family friend, Dean Robb
Dear friend and 'flat-lord', Alex Lindsey
Erin and Natalie Blickenstaff, John's cousin
Denise Daniels and Doc 'Scro'
A bunch of Brits in Verbier, Peter McNally, Chris Jones and Peter Hunter
Belinda and Alastair Dickson
Another one of Erin's adopted Mothers, Becky Ivans
Erin with Bill Anders and Dydia DeLyser
A snowy evening with George and Sheri Lee
Erin's life long friend, Amy Matthews
To be continued, as Erin's wonderful world of friends will never end...